Hearing Aid Insurance.
Hearing aids, because of their small size are easily lost or damaged. Thus an important consideration when purchasing your hearing aids is deciding how you will protect them in the event of loss or damage.
Hearing aids, because of their small size are easily lost or damaged. Thus an important consideration when purchasing your hearing aids is deciding how you will protect them in the event of loss or damage.
Hearing aids are easily lost or damaged and can be expensive to replace. Get a quote from Assetsure.
Each company is different so remember to check the scope of the cover, the terms and conditions and of course any increase in premium. Also remember that any resulting claim could affect any no claims discount you may enjoy.
Specialist insurance products such as that offered by Assetsure. They are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and are members of the British Insurance Brokers Association.
A wide policy wording arranged on a worldwide basis which includes; accidental loss, damage and mysterious disappearance.
Insurance protection arranged by Assetsure. Policy especially designed to cover hearing aid devices.
Protect your hearing aid today
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