Practice address: 56 Duke Street, Chelmsford CM1 1JA
There are several local car park options within a 5 minute walk of the practice but the nearest is the West End short stay car park in Railway Street which is only a 2 minute walk.
Other short stay options include pay and display street parking(currently cash but may change soon) in Broomfield Road and Rainsford Road and these are also only a 2-3 minute walk from the practice.
Both of these options are limited so please consider alternatives when visiting.
You may find that the High Chelmer Multi Storey car park in the centre of town offers you the best option, particularly if you have other reasons to be in town and its just a 7 minute walk.
Public Transport
Chelmsford Rail Station is only a 3 minute walk away when using the Duke Street exit.
Chelmsford Bus Station is only a 2 minute walk away. There is a bus stop in Broomfield Road near the Ship pub which is less than a 1 minute walk from the practice. Please use the First Group website for information on buses and timetables
You can use the map opposite to plan your options.