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Why Hearing Aids are a Bit Like Haircuts

October 1, 2024

Too many hearing aids end in a drawer instead of in an ear. Here’s why…

Whether you're considering hearing aids for the first time, or you've been wearing them for years, proper fitting is crucial for optimal performance. Understanding this process can significantly enhance your hearing experience, regardless of where you are in your journey.

Modern hearing aids are sophisticated minicomputers that process and adjust sounds based on your specific needs and environment. To perform optimally, they must be precisely tuned to your individual hearing profile and ear structure.

 Why Proper Fitting Matters

Improperly fitted hearing aids can lead to:

1. Reduced hearing improvement

2. Discomfort or irritation

3. Feedback issues (whistling)

4. Difficulty hearing in certain environments

5. Underutilisation of the hearing aids' capabilities

These issues can discourage regular use, negating the potential benefits. It is reported that only 50% of hearing aid users use their hearing aids “most of the time”.

The Gold Standard: Real Ear Measurement (REM)

REM is considered the gold standard in hearing aid fitting but reported as being routinely performed by 30% of audiologists. 

1. A tiny microphone is placed in your ear canal alongside the hearing aid.

2. Various sounds are played in the room.

3. The microphone measures sounds reaching your eardrum.

4. An audiologist adjusts your hearing aids for optimal performance.

This process ensures your hearing aids are tailored to your unique needs and ear canal shape.

Benefits of Proper Fitting & Care

Correctly fitted hearing aids provide:

1. Better sound quality across environments

2. Improved speech understanding, especially in noise

3. Greater comfort

4. Reduced feedback

5. More natural sound perception

It's Never Too Late for a Proper Fit

If you're already wearing hearing aids fitted elsewhere, consider reassessment if you experience:

- Persistent difficulty hearing in certain situations

- Discomfort when wearing your devices

- Frequent volume adjustments

- Feedback or whistling sounds

Ongoing Care

Proper fitting isn't a one-time event. Regular check-ups ensure your devices continue to perform optimally as your hearing needs may change over time.

What to Look For

Whether you're new to hearing aids or a long-time user, seek an audiologist who:

1. Uses advanced fitting techniques like REM

2. Understands your specific needs and lifestyle

3. Offers comprehensive follow-up care

4. Provides education on device use and care

Moving Forward

Understanding the importance of proper fitting is crucial for both new and existing users. For newcomers, it sets the foundation for success. For current users, reassessment could improve your experience. Consider consulting an audiologist who can provide personalised information based on your specific needs and situation. They can guide you through hearing tests, explain results, and ensure your hearing aids perform optimally for you.

If I go to the barbers and get a bad haircut, I don’t decide that haircuts are a bad idea and just let it grow; I try a different barber. If you’ve not had the outcome you need from hearing aids, don’t write them off; try a different audiologist. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how hearing aids are like haircuts….

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