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Balance Assessments.

Walking and balance is a complex activity which, for most of our life, we take for granted. Our brains use information from our eyes, sensors in our muscles and joints and signals from the balance organs in our ears to keep us up-right and steady.

Balance problems can occur if these signals from our balance organs change, often causing symptoms such as

-dizziness when moving your head or body

-a spinning sensation when looking up or turning over in bed

– veering off in one direction when walking

– difficulty with visual stability when moving your head or body.

If you experience any of these symptoms, we can help.

Book Appointment

Click Hearing has a qualified team of audiologists trained in the assessment and management of inner ear conditions which means that we can identify the disorders displayed and provide rehabilitation to reduce the symptoms and restore your quality of life.

Our Approach

Basic Investigation

An initial one hour consultation where we will use special screening equipment to test and check for any obvious inner ear balance disorder.

In the case of where BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, more information below) is evident we will perform a treatment manoeuvre.

Fee £165.


Where further investigation is required we can arrange for further comprehensive diagnostic testing to test further parts of your balance organ if required.

We will make all relevant onward referrals where appropriate and place you in our bespoke vestibular rehabilitation programme.

This programme is designed to help you take back control of your symptoms and restore your quality of life.

Vestibular rehabilitation is aimed at using the brain’s compensation mechanism to reduce the negative effects of an inner ear balance disorder. This would involve a carefully curated set of exercises and lifestyle modifications to bring out the best in you.

An initial introductory session of 1 hour is offered that sets out the program and related set up exercises with a further three 30 minute sessions over a 6 month period.

Balance Testing Essex

Our Balance Tests.

Click Hearing provides a comprehensive balance assessment service using the latest tools and techniques to fully assess balance problems and find practical solutions to help restore confidence and an active lifestyle.

Ben Mann has a strong interest in balance disorders and will choose from an extensive range of balance assessments to help assist in the diagnosis and treatment of dizziness and vertigo. You will receive a summary report with the findings, suggestions towards a diagnosis, as well as the raw graphical data. On request, we can also supply you with video recordings of the eye movements during testing.

Book Appointment

Book your appointment with one of our experienced audiologists to test your hearing and find a right solution for you.

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  • Caloric Test – This is an attempt to discover the degree to which the vestibular system is responsive and also how symmetric the responses are, between left and right ears.
  • Video head Impulse Testing (vHIT) – This test records eye movements in response to a variety of different stimuli. The eyes are a window into the vestibular system and help us determine if dizziness is caused by the vestibular system or the central nervous system.
  • Cervical Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials (cVEMP) – cVEMP testing is used to evaluate whether certain vestibular organs and associated nerves are intact and functioning normally. Responses in this test are measured from different muscles in the neck and around the eyes.
  • Kinetic Rotational Chair Testing – The purpose of rotational chair testing is to determine if the vestibular (inner ear) or the neurological system is the cause of a balance disorder.
  • Audiometry (Tone or Speech) hearing test – Using tones of varying frequencies and volumes, this test provides us with an evaluation of your sense of hearing and is carried out in a sound proof booth for the most accurate measurements.
  • Tympanometry test – This test is often carried out in conjunction with audiometry and is used to assess the function of the middle ear. We can also provide ipsi & contralateral reflexes and decay on request.
  • Videonystagmography (VNG) – VNG testing is used to determine if a vestibular (inner ear) disease may be causing a balance or dizziness problem, and is one of the only tests available today that can decipher between a unilateral (one ear) and bilateral (both ears) vestibular loss.

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Why people are choosing Click Hearing

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